PLEASE READ FIRST - This is not a traditional registry.
Items cannot be purchased directly through this site, but you will need to “checkout” on this site to remove the item from the wish list, making it “unavailable” for others to buy and avoiding duplicate gifts.
Browse through the items and choose an item you want to purchase, adding to cart.
To buy the item, click the link included in the description (where it says CLICK THE LINK TO BUY). You will be taken to the item’s official site, where you can then make the purchase.
Return to this site and go through the checkout process. It will ask for email, address, and phone but nothing else. Each item is set to $0.00 and you will not be charged, but it will then render the item “No longer available: item has been purchased” to other registry guests.
Thank you for your gift! We greatly appreciate all of the love and support we have received! <3